November DCM Report

My name is Matt, and I am an Alcoholic. My sobriety date is December 20th, 2017. My home group is KISS in Newberg on Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays. We have a speaker meeting on the last Saturday of the month where we have a dessert potluck at 7 and speaker at 8. Our speaker meeting is this coming Saturday.
I’ve started reading the Plain Language Big Book and will withhold judgement until I finish it. One of the lessons my mom taught me is not to knock it until I try it. I take everything to the extreme so I won’t knock it or give it any praise until I finish it! Our local Intergroup office has copies so please reach out to them to schedule a time to visit their office at the Co-Op in Mac. If you need a phone number for Intergroup, please let me know so I can connect you with Sherri.
It feels like a lifetime ago since the November Assembly but it only ended 8 days ago. That is very difficult for me to believe. We have two tabled motions for discussion and I really appreciated seeing District 22 show up. Shout out to Sara H, Laura L, James H, Ashley S and James J for participating in their first in-person Assembly. I had fear during my first assembly but my higher power supported me throughout. I thank my higher power for the courage to show up at Assemblies and not feel out of place. If you were at the Assembly, I believe you were supposed to be there and I hope you felt comfortable. Please let me know if there are ways we can improve the atmosphere so that more GSRs want to show up and be a part of.
I reached out to the City of Lafayette about giving gifts for their annual toy drive. The Lafayette fire department facilitates the drive and we are more than welcome to give donations. In the past, we discussed purchasing toys as a way of “paying our rent” for the meeting space. I believe this would be an awesome opportunity to take toys along with meeting lists for a potentially life saving AA plug. We have until December 18th to drop off gifts but the sooner we get them delivered, the sooner they can wrap. I’ve put this in New Business to discuss later on.
I want to give a huge shout out to the planning committee for the Friendsgiving event. You all did such an amazing job of planning and delivering a wonderful event. I’ve already heard two people talking about how nice it was to meet people from neighboring towns. We didn’t get to the ask-it-basket but we had so much going on. Fellowship was the primary goal and it was accomplished! Deb’s decorations, Melissa’s follow up during the dessert auction, the speaker that Brian invited, James and Ashley’s food juggling were just a couple of the amazing acts of service that I saw. And Santa’s surprise showing was great. That put a huge smile on my face.
Last but not least, I want to acknowledge the Pay It Forward group in Sheridan. I went to their meeting last Wednesday and it was awesome! They have a beautiful meeting space with all sorts of AA decorations and the recovery is real. They meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 PM and I encourage all of you to go say hi.

Thank you for allowing me to be of service,